Cara memilih kereta bayi

- 2021-08-19-

1. Pilih sesuai dengan usia bayi: Untuk bayi di bawah usia 7 bulan, kerana mereka tidak dapat duduk atau berdiri, mereka harus memilih dua tujuankereta sorong with an adjustable backrest. This kind of kereta sorong can generally lie flat at a large angle, and some can even be 180 degrees. Lie flat. Babies over 7 months old can sit and stand, and can choose a kereta sorong with fewer functions but strong portability. If the economic conditions are better, you can also choose an ordinary kereta sorong or a multifunctional kereta sorong.

2. Choose according to travel conditions: If the road conditions are good and the road is flat without many potholes, you can choose a kereta sorong with general shock absorption performance; if the road conditions are not flat enough, there are many potholes, and more bumpy, you should choose to avoid Stroller with good vibration performance. If the baby likes outdoor activities very much, and the travel distance is relatively long, you can choose a lightweight, small folding kereta sorong, so that you can hold the baby in one hand, and the kereta sorong will not be too fortunate;
3. Cost-effective: Some kereta sorongs have accessories like foot-wrapped quilts or rain covers, but some do not. So check which accessories are included in the price of your kereta sorong when buying, and then compare it with other similar kereta sorongs.
4. The safety factor of the kereta sorong: The safety of the kereta sorongsangat penting. Akereta sorongharus merangkumi tali pinggang bahu, tali pinggang pinggang dan tali pinggang pinggul, dan mestilah dapat menyesuaikan panjang tali pinggang keledar untuk menstabilkan bayi di dalam kereta. Harus diingat bahawa apabila tali pinggang keledar dilengkung dan disesuaikan dengan betul, kereta mesti stabil dan tidak akan melonggarkan perlahan-lahan kerana aktiviti bayi di dalam kereta, sehingga kehilangan peranan melindungi bayi.