Untuk membeli kereta mainan, anda mesti terlebih dahulu memahami 5 jenis ini

- 2021-09-03-

1.Kereta berpusing
Kereta berpusing seem to belong only to the family car series, but they are generally the car series that babies learn to drive safely in the first place. Generally speaking, the chassis of a twisted car is lower from the road, and the safety factor is therefore more assured. If a baby can sit on it, he can ride very well with both hands. Most babies are up and down one and a half years old. You can ride very skillfully.

2. Skuter
Sebagai peserta terbaik dalam komuniti kediaman, taman ekologi, dan pusat membeli-belah yang besar,skuter can be described as a necessary category for children to go out at home. For children, it is easy to get started, and can slide up with a light kick. In addition, most children's skuter can be retractable, which is convenient to carry and does not occupy indoor space, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

3. Basikal
Basikal bersama yang sering anda lihat telah menjadikan banyak orang besar yang tidak memperoleh kemahiran profesional berbasikal di kolej juga mula belajar dan berlatih. Oleh itu, basikal kanak-kanak juga disambut mesra oleh ibu bapa. Untuk menunggang abasikal, kaki atas dan bawah bayi mesti diganti dengan pedal, dan kedua tangan yang lain juga mesti mengimbangkan keseimbangan dan arah badan kereta yang betul.

4. Elektrikbasikal imbangan
Many parents feel that this kind of small basikal without pedals is really not worth mentioning. But in fact it is not. Because the electric basikal imbangan can not only exercise the baby’s key physical energy and balanced work ability, but also exercise the baby’s hand-eye coordination ability, improve the baby’s concentration, and help the baby build confidence and courage early. It can be said that there are many benefits. However, it is fully considered that the electric balance car has only 2 wheels, so the JOLLIBEE sliding toy car proposes to try again after the baby is two years old. In addition, the electric basikal imbangan speeds up faster. Before each ride, you must wear a hat, sports knee pads, wrist pads and other knee pads to protect your baby's safety.

5. Basikal roda tiga kanak-kanak

Sama ada di dataran bandar kawasan perumahan atau pasar tani, anda sering dapat melihat keharmonian keluarga. Roda tiga kanak-kanak boleh ditunggang, didorong, dilorekkan, tahan air, dan tahan hujan, boleh ditarik, mempunyai tali pinggang keselamatan, dan membawa bakul. Mereka sangat serba boleh dan merupakan senjata yang diperlukan oleh ibu bapa untuk melahirkan bayi.